Sunday, January 03, 2010

Champion for Christ

Like most ‘pseudo-realistic’ urbanites, I tend to shy away from making New Year’s resolutions. At least the written down and shared with the world ones – alas, I’m not as much a child of discipline as I’d like to be. That notwithstanding, I do have an end of year ritual that I suppose none of us future-cautious people can resist – reviewing the past.

Part of the reason why December can turn out to be quite depressing, is that it’s the month to realize just how badly you faired during the year. All the things that you thought would be done that didn’t materialize, all the promises you couldn’t keep, the fact that you’re a year older with nothing much to show for it, and so forth.I was in review mode as I went to church on the last Sunday of the year, and thankfully, so was my pastor.

And he fed me quite a shift in perspective. He spoke of Joseph, the husband of Mary. Not much talked about, is he? All we know is that he was a carpenter that married the mother of Jesus. Often, we fail to consider what an extraordinary assignment he had – to bring up the child Jesus, protect him, keep him safe and straight, make sure he was going to church often, and basically be a father.

It’s so easy to write off Joseph as just another ordinary man who amount to much. Not true. Pastor’s point was that God has a specific assignment for each one of us, and you should never think yourself unworthy of God’s attention. But it was what he said as he wrapped up his message that really got me: (in paraphrase) you’re a champion for the cause of Christ; don’t minimize your assignment. Your daily obedience and faithfulness,…the fact that you can look back and say that you’ve followed Christ for another whole year…just that makes you a champion.

It’s amazing how in looking back over the year, our walk with Christ comes across as a series of struggles, battles, near-death escapades and if you’re an average young Christian in Nairobi, the devil seems to have had quite his share of victories. Yet check out what 1 Peter 1 says:

v6: so be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while. These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-and your faith is more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tested by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

My faith is that precious to God. Are you still standing in the faith after everything that tried to bring you down in 2009? You’re a great one! Did you continue to get up and follow Him every time you fell so bad you were sure you’d never recover? He has a banquet for you! Did you fight off pressures to quit and kept moving after Him even when it seemed hopeless? It’s not in vain! You’re a champion for the cause of Christ.

As for me, I’ve had a pretty good year, a victorious one even – I’m still saved, I love and am following Jesus and my faith in Him is sure. In fact, I’ve even gone ahead to make a resolution for 2010 – I’ll be a Champion for Christ one more year!


Anonymous said...

you know, George....I love your esoteric cogitations...whatever that means!
Is that the title of your first book?

kj said...

well for what it's worth, i can't tell you how many times your listening ear, encouragement, and that wonderful big brotherly love of yours made 2009 a much better year for me than it would have been! Thank you so much for all you did for me. You really bless my lil heart :)