Thursday, October 01, 2009

my Christ

I’m not very apt at brandishing theological profundities and convincing people to change their ways and follow the Christ I know. All I can share is that I know this Christ, the one who lives not only in the pages of the Holy Scriptures but in me. I know the Christ who is so intensely personal that I actually feel Him. I know the Christ of the Cross, the Christ of forgiveness, the Christ who literally shepherds me.

I desire greater passion, but conviction and evidence I have. I hold the conviction that were it not for Him, I would be a mess, a directionless one. I have the evidence that this is true, because I can point to what my life is about, and it would be Him I’m pointing to. I have the conviction that He personally knows me and cares for my affairs, that He has some plan for me that He keeps working out. My evidence lies in His words, in the things He does in my life, in the way He shapes my thinking, attitudes and steps.

I am sure that He’s the right way for me, because I see the ways the people that do not know Him take, and how it ends always in death, of one kind or another. Sometimes I’m not too sure about the details, but I am yet to get lost in following Him – I suspect I never will. I know the Christ who keeps His word – contrary to popular (mis) belief, His way is rather simple – follow me and I will show you the way of life.

My Christ has given me life (in abundance), the true meaning of life. I know some of us Christ people use Him as an excuse for poverty and laziness, but underneath is a truth – Christ first gives you life, blesses you royally and then gives you materially, as to your need or even more. Because by then, you’ve realized that it’s not as important as it’s made out to be. I’m a wealthy person because of Him – I have peace, I have joy, I have purpose, I have identity and I have a secure source.

Of all the trumpets I could blow about Christ (mind you, He doesn’t need any trumpeting), the loudest note would have to be the one about His unconditional love, saving grace and forgiveness. Oh, when I say I am redeemed, I do it with tears, because I know what I really was and what I have the capacity to be were it not for Christ. As Matthew West sang, I'm a man with big mistakes, big regrets and bigger breaks than I even care to confess/but you're the one that looks at me and sees what I was meant to be/where would I be without someone to save me/someone who won't let me fall…

It really is true – about my past and about my present. Also, about the Christ who saved me and won’t ever let me fall. He loves me through every season – the days I run away, the days I slink back in shame; the days I rave about Him, the days I couldn’t care less; the days I know where we’re going, the days I don’t want to go anywhere; the days things make sense, the days I feel like dropping into a bottomless hole. He just loves. And it breaks me, all the time.

My Christ has a firm handle on life and all the answers too. Give Him a try. I, for one, am a Christ-ian and mighty proud of Him.

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