Friday, December 19, 2008

No Fool

You are no fool.

A fool says in his heart, there is no God. There are many other things that a fool does (like knowing there’s danger ahead, and walking straight into it), but that one about God, that is the biggest foolery of them all. You, are no fool.

You know there is God. Wait, You know God is there. Like all of us do, right? God is there. Where He’s been since the beginning of time. For a while, He was here – despite the fact that He’s (as told by tellers) given human beings all of 70 years to live, He hang around for just under half of that. Did He get bored?... Nevertheless, He was here, then went back there. Where He still is.

From up there (of course it’s up), He can view the things and people He created with just about a passing interest. Surely, He can’t be bothered with how you dress, what you eat or even what you watch? He would, if He was here, but you know He’s there, see? You don’t need to consult Him about the things you do, or the paths you choose – He’s too far off for Him to bother. Besides, He gave you brains, AND left you here while He went back there.

You are no fool.

You would never say in your heart ‘there is no God’. That would be foolery. But you can determine where there is, and appropriately assign Him quarters in that general direction. The farther away, the better. That way, you can live life without anyone whispering in your ear about what God wants – He should be happy there, holding court with angels and floating on clouds.

Oh, and of course, Heaven is real. That’s why you go to church. It’s proof that God cares for where we go AFTER we’re dead. Surely no fool can believe that He really cares what goes on Monday to Saturday, right? His interest in your day-to-day life is limited to Sunday and eternity, right? Church attendance chalks up about 90% of the points you need to get you in, and if you’re nice to one or two people, you pile up the other 10%. It’s your life after all.

And you are no fool.


An Addendum:

God really is HERE. I know. He came and never left. He just has this thing going about not getting in unless He’s expressly invited. And if He’s not in with you (after being invited, of course), everything else is just detail. He is also THERE. There is that place we go to after we die; right before we’re assigned eternal quarters. The more religious among us call it Judgment Day. It just makes a lot of sense to me to have the judge on your side at times like those. Give thought to it this Christmas. He’s waiting for you to call Him.


Pea said...

I enjoyed this post. Very, very... I think the word is "witty". Maybe not. It's many things. Do you think sometimes Christians are the biggest fools of all? We say with our mouths that there is a God, but David says the fool says in his HEART (which I guess means it seeps into his actions). I could go on and on. Lovely post.

kj said...

the first time i read this, i was quite distracted and just skimmed over it...but today i READ it...hmmm :)