Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Musings of a Believer

How can a young man keep his ways pure?, asked David in exasperation. I can see him now...he loves God, and he's always been true to Him, the God of his fathers. But yesterday, there was this girl at the well. Oh, nothing untoward happened, not yet anyway. But he felt something move on the inside of him, drawing him towards those lines he knows he must not cross. Aaargh, this can be so hard sometimes. It's funny because just yesterday, he was talking to some friends about this very thing. You're young, they kept saying. You have to enjoy your life, you know? These are small things that Jehovah cares not about - He understands. It's not like you'll make her pregnant or anything. But David knows, he knows that that path is a downhill slide. He knows that the way of darkness has a dim light at the door, and many have gotten lost thinking they were still in the light, even as the darkness swallowed them. And he remembers how on that day his ancestors met God at the mountain, He told them to stay far away from the boundary...It's getting dark, the tryst, and his friends, are waiting. Then David remembers one more thing - he's the chosen one. Surely, the promise is far greater than any temporary satiation. He opens his journal and writes the answer...by heeding Your Word, O LORD, and following its commands...

Timothy was getting a headache. This wasn't supposed to take this long. Can't these guys see I'm only a kid? Cut me some slack man! He smiles wryly...in a way, he got himself into this mess. See, the thing is, he wasn't willing to let them have their way. They have such warped ideas of God that Timothy could not stand just keeping quiet. He jumped in with two feet, waving Scripture and quoting Paul...oh, Paul, where was he when he's needed?...at first they had half-listened to him. Then they started advancing thoughts and philosophies, and they did seem to be making quite a bit of sense. Think of this Jesus as a great teacher, they said. And if indeed you believe in this salvation, why can't you just live as you please? Doesn't your God want you to be happy? Did he not create entertainment? Be merry, let yourself go. Don't waste your youth! Oh, if only..Timothy thought. Then he heard someone calling him. You have a letter, they said. It was Paul. The last words in the letter caught his eye.."Timothy, guard what God has entrusted you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so called knowledge. Some people have wondered from the faith by following such foolishness."...he smiled, and walked away from the debaters smiling. He had better things to do, like pray.

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