Friday, May 29, 2009

Football...and a Few Other Thoughts

I started out with the intention of writing a long piece on the champions league final. That was yesterday. In retrospect, there's little to be said - the best team won, by the number of goals I'd thought they'd win by, and even the other team's coach conceded he'd been outclassed by the Spaniards. So there's little to say.

Except one little thing, and that has more to do with life than with football - if pressure breaks you, if not having your way leads you down the path of anger because you think you're 'entitled', then the word best cannot be used to describe you. And when the rubber meets the road, it is character and not skill that says what you really are. When push comes to shove, who you really are will come out, quite on its own...

Oh, one more thing: one of my pastors, Pr.Gich, once pointed out that one the biggest traps that great men fall in is the trap of 'entitlement'...thinking that because you are who you are, you must have your way, and you can make your own way. Think about David, he said. King of all Israel. One night, when people were away at war, the guy saw a woman. Only she was someone else's wife. But no, he was king of all Israel, could have whatever he wanted, right? He even went ahead to kill the guy (who, by the way, refused to be entitled to rest while his mates were out fighting)...

Beware, dear Christian who has been saved for many years and now thinks a little 'fun' fire to the bosom is in order, and that Moses probably set the boundary too far - I'm an Israelite, can't I move closer to the boundary than God said? Remember Korah, Dathan and Abihu; Beware dear leader, held in reverent piety by all yet hiding behind lifted unholy hands and busy compromising - I'm a levite, is it not my right to be honored, unquestioned and do whatever I wish? Remember the sons of Eli; Beware dear youth minister, thought cool and highly esteemed, letting pride check in and seeking title - flashbulbs, the fans are shouting my name..He will share His glory with no other.

By the way, no one is perfect. Those who know they're not and are quick to seek and lean on the grace of the Savior, embrace the humility of repentance as David did, and remember that our God is just and an all consuming fire... those are the wise ones. The only things I am entitled to are the ones God says I am. And He is not a flimsy speaker who gives us to satisfy our flesh and selfish desire.

I had intended to talk about football.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i did a speech the other day....and was commended, for using an out of the norm public speaking example, should give it a try, it sells and may be you'll have much more to say............ i dont feel soccer much so hey.........

nwho, am glad you talked on what you did.

wao!!!!form mad mad experience; really man was not created for that kind of glory and the minute we forget this and receive it and let it infiltrate and saturate our every being, the cookie crumbles.................

the lesson learnt on this subject, is that whenever we get that praise or glory coming our way,even as simple as a compliment that could lead to a big head, the best thing to do, is to always go into your prayer closet and ensure that all that Glory goes to Our God. its easy to forget, but i beleive when you step into God's presence, He brings to light what needs to go and we bow down and all Glory rises to our Almighty God, who deserves all Glory honor and Praise.

i love bieng a christian and being saved. am going through a tough in my life right now, tempted tokeep asking why, but am blessed because Jesus is in this boat with me and the storm around me will cease. be encouraged people of God,God is not man that He should lie, when He says you are Precious in His sight, you are, when He says He wont leave you nor forsake you, He will, when He says He will be with you to your old age, He will and when He says that you go and preach the Gospel and lo He is with you, My friends He is With you, Always.

GOD and i Love you All.

God Bless you indeed.