Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Of Weddings & Stuff

As a matter of choice, I generally avoid weddings these days. First, to skirt the inevitable ‘dressing up’ (It is a dishonor to the couple, I’m told, to turn up under-dressed at a wedding), and secondly, they’ve become rather trying, these occasions. Weddings, by their very nature, are opportunities for everyone to poke you in the ribs and ask “When’s yours? Soon, huh?”

At first, it’s funny and you all laugh about it. Then you realize it’s not so funny anymore, you need to start thinking about a serious answer to that one. Especially when the people you grew up with are the ones getting married!

This past Saturday though, I set aside my reservations and attended a most beautiful wedding and watched some friends of mine do the wedlock thingy. This one was close to my heart, really close. I won’t bore you with the details, but as I watched this couple exchange their vows, it occurred to me that this is one of God's ways of making a point.

The point being this - cliché as it may sound, He does have a plan. He has worked out each one of these things since the beginning of time. He’s not being caught unawares, and He’s not tapping his fingers and pacing at 3 a.m. in the morning wondering where to get me a mate from. Or anything else for that matter. I also doubt that He's forgotten the things He said, or that He's not been listening to pleas and shouts from this end of our relationship (Luke 18 comes to mind) about this, that and the other.

It took so long for these guys to see their wedding day happen, and it showed on their faces – that they’re a testimony to God’s faithfulness. Yet there isn’t a doubt that they are meant for each other like chapo and ndengu :) So it took a bit of time, and a bit of waiting, and a bit of frustration, maybe even a bit of wanting to give up, and a truckload of faith...God still made it happen.

Just because He can...

Someone made a comment about this post in another forum that really tickled me. Said he: If God is preparing you to become a chapo and ndengu combination, why rush things with your little plan of strong-tea and ugali combination?

I haven't had strong tea and ugali for a while, but his Ishmael vs Isaac point is made. He does seem a little too slow at times, this God of mine, but He's worth waiting for.


Pea said...

true story. great post. :)

Ayomipo Matthew Edinger said...
