Friday, June 06, 2008

An Ode To A Man

Oh, those days are gone. The days when there were men of integrity, faithful men; men you could trust with your words as much as you could trust with your life; men who would stand with a fellow man through thick and thin; and come out at the other end holding each other up and smiling with mud all over their faces and crippling limps; honest men whose word is as sure as the rising of the sun; men whose hearts are after the Maker, consistent men; men with unquestionable values; true men.

Oh, those are gone, they say. Days when a man could find a friend in another, like David found in Jonathan; a friend that cheers you on and believes in you; a friend that would watch out for your interests and speak for you when men speak ill against you; a trustworthy friend, an unquestionable ally; a friend faithful....

If it is true that those days are gone, well, that's news to me. Because I do know a man like that. Maybe they just don't make them like that anymore, but he exists. Stingz, happy birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Gee..Divine!! That is how i can describe the meeting of two individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, personalities,gifts and the list is endless....But one thing we do share..a passionate love for the Lord Jesus!! DIVINE I tell you..DIVINE!
I am so glad for uniting our hearts and minds, and thus our visions and dreams..We -as you once said-have worlds to conquer:-)
To the readers..know that there are people in your life that are crucial and God sent to get you to your destiny! Likewise,you are crucial in someones destiny:-)
I am greateful for you sir...still can't spell the word:-)
Love kibao,