Friday, February 16, 2007


Earlier today, I was suffering from a disease I believe I'm the discoverer of - it's called morning after foot in mouth syndrome (or MaFIMS)...this is that bad feeling you have in the mouth, when you wake up on the morning after you have seriously put your foot in your mouth.

There are two variants of FIMs-deliberate and accidental. Accidental is where you unwittingly make a fool of urself in speech without knowing you're doing it-this is the variant most of our politicians suffer from...the deadlier version, deliberate FIMs is where you're talking and making a fool of yourself and you know you're making a fool of yourself, but you keep going until your foot is so in your mouth and there's no way out. Yesterday, I had a serious attack of this variant.

I got myself into a talking that I think was very stupid of me (by the way, nothing weird or unrighteous, just foolish wasn't necessary kinda thing), and all the time bells were ringing in my head - what u doing, what u doing - but no, I charged right through...and talked,and talked...

The person I was making a fool of myself in conversation with was either really nice, or didn't think I was being stupid coz they did say at the end 'thanx for 'sharin' all that' (what I heard was 'you didn't have to do that, you should have let things be')...

So anyway, I woke up this morning with my mouth feeling like there was a truckload of sand passing through, and wondering where I contracted this illness from...and then I went through the usual cycle-wanting to turn back the clock and not do it again...thinking oh, what the the time it was late afternoon, like every good syndrome, it was kinda gone, and I was even thinking, maybe it was a brave thing to do for the sake of peace of mind.

All that said, I did realize something - it is a great thing knowing God, because that way, I know I can never really go wrong. I may make mistakes, but He has a way and always will correct them for me, and show me a better way to do it next time. As long as I can listen to Him.

In any case, I'll be doing a lot of quieting in the next few mouth can do without feet in it for a bit :-)

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